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PAL writing to IEW-A, Question ?


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I am hoping someone who has used PAL and moved on to IEW could help me to make a decision. I HATE teaching writing. Its weird I dread nothing else but this subject? I was wondering..... Do you think it would help my littles or give them a huge advantage if I went through the third part of PAL writing or is it not a big deal to skip? We have already done 1st & 2nd section. I realize that they would be able to just jump in at IEW -A w/o doing any writing before hand but I guess my hang up is that I have PAL right in front of me and if it will help them a lot I WILL do it, even though I don't want to. Any thoughts or opinions here?

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Do you already own PAL? If you don't and you are pretty sure your children are beyond the first 2 parts of PAL then I would suggest going with their new Bible Heroes instead. I haven't seen it in person, but it looks to me like it is similar to the 3rd section of PAL. I bought PAL and used it for mainly the 3rd section, but if Bible Heroes had been out I would have purchased that instead. That being said, if you do own it then it can be an easy way to introduce several of the IEW units. Anything from IEW that is written by Lori V. is very teacher friendly and easy to follow (we are using All Things Fun & Fascinating right now and even though I have not gone through the TWSS I am still finding it easy enough to teach).

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Yes we do have it, we are just finishing section 2. I spose either way I will have to "teach" bible heroes or PAL sect.3. I was just hoping that I might hear its redundant and not helpful :) Maybe I just need to look over it more and hopefully catch some excitement to teach it? It makes sense that an easy introduction could give them a gentle start for IEW-A. I have no idea why its underlining?? :) oh well.

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