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How is a twice exceptional child identified?

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My 9 year old daughter was recently tested and scored a 132 in the verbal comprehension section of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children. She also scored low in other areas, making her eligible for special education services. Other scores were high average. She was basically all over the map. So does this make her 2e or do the low scores wipe out the high ones? I'm confused, lol! I just want to do what is best for her and have some light shed on this. Thanks!

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2E kids, by definition, have scores that are all over the map, but will have at least a few scores- on IQ and/or achievement subtests that are in the gifted range. What sometimes happens for these kids in a classroom is that they get seen as rather average, but people who work with these students one-on-one see the highs and the lows. Sometimes, the school sees either the highs or the lows and appropriately identifies the giftedness or the disability, but misses the other. So it really varies.

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Thanks, Marie. I suspected as much but I couldn't find any clear information about it and just wasn't sure. I'm not sure what the next step to take with her should be. I believe I am addressing her weaknesses fairly successfully now but am not sure what to do with her strengths. That part of the test results took me a little by surprise, although her father tested at a similar level when he was a teenager. This is all difficult for me to process because my mind works so differently than my husband's and our kids' minds.

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I know what you mean about minds working differently! My oldest daughter's mind is similar to mine. She was easy to teach! My other two children's and my husband's minds work differently. Teaching my kids and relating to my husband has taken all the patience I could muster and more.


Check out Hoagies Gifted for information on all things related to giftedness, including issues twice exceptional children and their parents face. Under "Parents," click on "Special Needs" and that will take you where you can read to your heart's content.

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I know what you mean about minds working differently! My oldest daughter's mind is similar to mine. She was easy to teach! My other two children's and my husband's minds work differently. Teaching my kids and relating to my husband has taken all the patience I could muster and more.


Check out Hoagies Gifted for information on all things related to giftedness, including issues twice exceptional children and their parents face. Under "Parents," click on "Special Needs" and that will take you where you can read to your heart's content.



What a great site! It has already given me information that I have been looking for for a long time and I only read a few articles. You are right - it will keep me busy for awhile.


After reading the site I'm beginning to wonder if my giftedness has blinded me to my children's giftedness because I just see what they do as normal. I've still got a lot to learn...

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