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complete book of maps and geography OR evan moor daily geography?


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I have used the EM daily geograhy...but not the other one. SO I can't tell you how they compare, but I can tell you about the EM geography. Each book has 36 maps and 36 sets of questions. There are 10 questions per map, divided into 5 days, with a challenge at the end of each week. The maps vary from basic maps for the park, a neighborhood, a certain state for the younger kids...all the way to lines of longetude, country maps, world maps.....each map focuses on a skill...learning how to read a map of a neighbor or a zoo...or reading basic interstate lines or land forms. By the time the kids go through the 6 years of this geogrpahy they will have a pretty good handle on map reading. What I feel is lacking is more of the cultural side of learning about countries and continents.


My daughter is in the last EM book this year...and next year I am going to have her start working though another EM series call "The 7 Continents"...I think this one will focus more on the cultural side of things.


I hope that helps you a little bit more. The Daily Geopgraphy is really very independant for the kids...and I have never purchased the TE....I only buy the workbooks...if you can read a map, you can figure out the answers. Every once in a while (in the older kids books...mostly 5-6) they might ask a question that the map really doesn't answer, but a google search or an encyclopedia can give the answer. I figure those answere were probably given in the little blurb that was in the TE...but I guess...I just figure it's great practice for the kids to find the answer themselves.

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