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Usborne Book of Science Experiments Jane Bingham - ever use this?


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Hi all,


I'm considering using this simple Physics/Chem/Bio experiment book next year with a 12 yo.


Has anyone ever used it? How are the experiments; are they lame? Do they work? Etc etc. Too young for a 12 yo?


Any comments would be appreciated. THanks.





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I have this book also, and am going to use it with my 4th grader (8) this Sept. Since there are so many experiments, I think that you'll be able to pick the harder ones to do with a 12 yr old and also he will be able to explore more the reasons why the experiment turned out the way it did. I'd also be interested in hearing from people who have used this book to make sure the experiments turn out the way they're supposed to.



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I picked up a copy of the Usborne book and frankly I don't see the reason to pick something recommended in curriculum--the experiments are the same quality if not better, and they teach basic physics and chemistry. You can beef it up by getting into the WHYs of the experiment with older kids and do the research, etc.


Another book I picked up was Fizzle, Bubble & Flash which covers many of the elements in Chemistry. It's really good, and I hope the experiments work out, LOL.



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