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1st grade LA Recommendation


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My oldest is reading and spelling well, and I am looking to start with some kind of LA this fall. I want something workbook-based, as this is the kid who has blown through almost $50 worth of dollar store workbooks. She just digs that stuff.


I have a friend who is using Sonlight Core A. I know a lot of people dislike their LA, but it looked like exactly what I needed. I mean, I only looked at the first page, so I'm obviously not drawing any conclusion about the program. It went something like... copy a sentence, write your name, box the capital letters, notice that names and sentences start with capitals. (We are not using Sonlight, though.)


So, I'm looking for...

-workbook based

-entry level

-solid program

-nothing that gets too hard too fast


Is there a program someone is raving about, or should I just get an Evan-Moor book? And do we need a writing program, as well?

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