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Goofy Handwriting Question


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OK, I afterschool/homeschool. DD is in private school here in Turkey. I'm focusing on English reading, history, supplementing math (since she's struggling a little), and writing at home.


The writing is tripping me up. She's learning to write like a Turk, which is fine, but it's not the same script/print that we Americans write. I've avoided teaching her handwriting specifically because I don't want to confuse her, but for 1st grade I want to start with WWE or some such program. Do I just continue to have her write in Turkish script? If so, I need to learn how to write like a Turk, and fast! But if I have her learn "American" handwriting, she might use it at school and that will trip her up there (individuality is not exactly a prized commodity here).


For the record, they use the same western alphabet we use, just with a few different letters (a few extra vowels and consonants, no q, w, x). It's not like she's learning Cyrillic. The numbers are also formed differently, but I've already transitioned to writing them that way so that's not an issue.


i'm sorry for so many questions today/tonight, but my brain is buzzing with all these questions!!!

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My 2 cents since we lived in Turkey for many years and my son spent a couple of years in a devlet school is that I would continue to allow her to write like a Turk. I have friends that have started their kids in the Turkish school system and later homeschooled them and their kids have beautiful handwriting because of their years in Turkish school. One of my friends even told me that she was so glad that they did learn handwriting while in Turkish school because of how well her kids write. Especially if you are planning on her continuing in the Turkish school system...and I agree, they don't know how to handle individuality.

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Yeah, I guessed that was where you lived. :001_smile: We lived in Ankara and Istanbul. I was looking at your other thread about the c-rods...have you ever checked the UK Amazon site? I have no idea how much the shipping would be, probably more than you would want to pay, but it's worth a shot. I have had many friends buy from them. Also, I know there are a lot of expat homeschoolers throughout the country, and I am sure there are some in Izmir, do you have any connections with any homeschoolers? They might have c-rods or even a way to get you some with visitors coming in. Just a thought.

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I don't have any connections, unfortunately. Despite the fact that I live in one of the most expat heavy neighborhoods I know exactly one other family, and their daughter is one. I guess I'm just too introverted or too "native". I'll check Amazon UK again, but the story locally was that they won't ship here. Sounds like that's changed.


It's 3am here, I need to go to sleep!

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