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Help me with first grade?

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Will you please help me think through first grade for DD?


Let me give you a little background. We are living in Turkey and DD is attending a private school here and, as you might expect, everything is in Turkish. I am teaching her reading in English. I’m not worried about math, science, art, chess, music, French, Turkish language arts and Turkish history. I do want to make sure she gets American and European history, English reading, and writing. I’m also thinking of getting a math curriculum just in case, but even in Kindergarten she seems to be doing well with what she has at school (they’re already doing addition and subtraction).

Here’s what I was planning for afterschool/weekend/holidays:


WRTR for phonics and spelling (OPGTR just isn’t working for us and I learned Spalding as a child)




The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia

Lots and lots of books – paper, electronic, and audio

Miquon (just in case)


I was going to start this summer with 30-60 minutes a day of language arts and history. That would take some of the pressure off the school year as I don’t know the homework requirements in first grade here. I know middle and high school are extremely demanding. The school has asked that we teach DD reading in English before she starts first grade so she’s not confused and trying to learn to read in two languages simultaneously.


Those of you who have followed my posts about DD’s potential learning difficulties: we are getting her evaluated here. I’ve found a practice that specializes in testing for gifted, learning difficulties, and children’s psychological issues. All this is subject to the outcomes of those evaluations, which have just started. I just need to plan because everything has to be ordered from here in the next month or two, shipped to our US address, and picked up in early summer when we’re back in the US. The initial opinion of the evaluators is that she is very smart and perhaps behind in emotional/social development.


What sayeth The Hive?

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Your plan looks good. This is basically exactly what we did :laugh: . Have you seen samples of FLL1? The concept introduced are also repeated in FLL2 in much the same way. My DD found FLL boring and too slow. The good thing about FLL and other Peace Hill Press stuff is that it is available as a PDF download from the website (cheaper too).



Great minds! :coolgleamA:


What would you recommend instead of FLL? Is there something else I could get via PDF? Either that or I have to order and get it this summer and carry it back here as a backup. Hmmmmmm...... Back to researching....

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By the way, have you checked bookdepository.com out? They carry quite a few of the materials we use and will ship to our country and most of the rest of the world for free. Great customer service too.



I've ordered a book from them (last week) and I'm waiting for it to be delivered. Once it's in my hands I'll be more confident in ordering more from them in the future. For some reason getting things delivered here is always touch and go.


(I ordered WRTR.)

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