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Anybody use Tanglewood curriculum?


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I love the Tanglewood Education website. Although she does have a curriculum listed for up to 5th grade, I enjoy creating my own curriculum from her CYOC (create-your-own curriculum) suggestions. Anybody else using or planning on using this resource to plan their curricula? If so, could you tell me about your experiences?


I like the mix between classical and Charlotte Mason, and I do agree with the vast majority of her suggestions. I lean more towards Charlotte Mason, but I do introduce elements of classical education.


For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, here's the website :)

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I just saw your post AFTER posting mine with the same question - minutes apart - wow are we on the same page or what! I'm new to this forum but I saw a post by you referencing tanglewood when I was on-line reading last night, I checked out the site and downloaded the corebook last night, I'm printing it now. I'm just starting to look at it but it seems right in line with what I've been trying to piece together for myself for my dd5 starting first grade this year. I'm happy someone else may have already done the work for me, but I'm still checking it out. What are your thoughts on it?


Alaska Mom to 2 baby bears



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I am planning to follow the history reading schedule for 1st grade using Our Young Folks' Josephus as a spine. I am using some of the literature suggestions along with some from SL and Ambleside. I also found a used copy of the spiral bound corebook, and I love it! It has great organizational tips along with memory work, habits and health study ideas and a guide to studying geography the Charlotte Mason way. I know that they now sell the corebook as a pdf download, but I am unsure what all is included in it.

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We used a lot of her ideas over the past few years. I really loved her Tanglewood Planner, and it is what I modeled my own planner on (I got one of hers, then ended up creating my own based on her style.) It has been great. The book selections are pretty good, but I have never used the reading schedules, just spent lots of time years ago reading everything on the site. It is no longer kept up, and she is NOT adding any new schedules, but it is a good resource for ideas.

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Alaska Mom, all I can say is wow! Great minds think alike ;)


I wanted to create my own curriculum, even though next year is my first year officially homeschooling first grade. This year we're doing K. I've already created my own curricula for first, second and third years. Of course, nothing is written in stone, but I love Tanglewood's suggestions and right in line with what I was looking for.


I enjoy designing my own curriculum, but as I'm a brandnew homeschooler, I crave a sort of framework, but not too limiting. This is exactly what I've found in Tanglewood. In addition, it's CM and classical combined.


Tanglewood also has a Yahoo! Group, Tanglewood Community. The lady who started it is not active on it, but you can get some great ideas and discussions from the few who are using it. The group is not very active, but someone will almost always answer you.


I just wanted to see if anyone created their own curriculum, and implemented it, on this forum.

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Dawn E, it sounds as if the corebook is identical to what you are describing. I have it. It even has a year's worth of health & safety and geography lessons folded into it! All for a little over $5. I love it!


I really enjoy the fact that I can print it out every year for a new year. I know a lady who was homeschooling for three years before I showed her the corebook I had downloaded. She implemented it and said it was the best planner she had ever used. I like the six-week reports and the fact that you can schedule unstructured play, habits, nature walks, art and music weekly.

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