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Because we all enjoy a "guess the baby stat" thread...


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I figured I'd start one :tongue_smilie:


Background info:


1st pregnancy: induced @ 37.5 weeks, 21 hour labor, baby boy, 7lbs 13 ounces, 20 inches long


2nd pregnancy: went to 40 weeks 6 days, 5 hour labor, baby boy, 8 lbs 14 ounces, 21.5 inches long


current pregnancy: currently 40+1, baby dropped nice and low (surprised my midwife, lol, that baby's head was right there when she did an internal check last night), as of last night I was dilated to a 4 and 'easily' 80% effaced. I had her sweep my membranes on the small chance that it *might* encourage baby a little (My mom is coming down to help next Tuesday and can only stay through Sunday and I would much rather she be here in a "helping with a new baby capacity" than a "be here while I give birth" capacity).


other: there is a history of larger, or at least long, babies on both sides of the kid's genetic makeup. My dad was almost 11lbs at birth and 23.5 inches, DH was the shortest of his siblings @ birth (20.5 inches) but the largest at 9.5lbs - his brothers were 21 and 22.5 inches respectively and both right around 7.5lbs.


Ready... Set... Go... !

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