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Anyone participate in or know of a Charlotte Mason co-op?

Michelle My Bell

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I am thinking of starting a co-op next year that is Charlotte Mason inspired. We participated in a classical co-op this year and it was wonderful for the kids but it was financially straining for me because it is quite a distance from my home. It has also been exhausting for me because it is every week, all day, I had been teaching 2 classes and there is considerable homework involved. My vision is to have a co-op at our local nature preserve twice a month. Some class ideas I have are:



Latin (younger kids and an older kids class)

Nature Study / Journaling (http://handbookofnaturestudy.blogspot.com/)

Art / Picture Study



Book Studies

Family Math – Learning with Games

Memory Work




I am looking for inspiration to see how other groups have done a CM inspired co-op. If you have been in one could you share your experiences, or if you know of one could you tell me about it or even share a link to the groups website? I would be so appreciative.


I would also just love ideas if anyone has any. :)

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We had a weekly co-op for several years that I ran. We also had it at a local nature area, Ann because we met outside and it wasn't typical co-op we kinda felt people out, before we had tem join our group. Some people are not ok with meeting outdoors unless its perfect temps, and we met outside regardless of the weater.

We did all ages together. We had play time in the meadow and woods, then circle time, which included memorizing and reciting poems, tongue twisters, reading a nature book, we would do a pe, nature games using Sharing Nature With Children book. Nature study, using Hanbook of nature Study Blog, and a long walk. We would typically take our walk seperate from te nature study. Picture study , handiwork and lunch rounded out the day.

We met from 9:30-1:30, and had more of a routine than a schedule. It was more flexible this way since we met outside we could take advantage of things we saw.

The moms rotated leading a subject for 2 months each then we switched.

Handiwork was one subject for 1-2 months at the time. Some of the things we did included nature crafts, knitting, whittling, embroidery, clay, painting, watercolor etc.

we loved the co-op and kept it very small, charged $40 a year for handiwork per kid which I kept at my house, and brought each week.

The kids had a blast!

I decided to stop it this past year, as I was so much work for me, ultimately most f the work fell to me. The moms would foret to do their assignments no matter how many emails I sent out, it became too frustrating to do planning and leading the whole co-op.

Let me know if you have any questions!

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