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Phonetic Zoo, All About Spelling or Spelling by Sound and Structure?

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I will have a 4th grader next year. He is a good reader and spells well. But, the reality is he doesn't know the RULES. Before we get any older, I want to be doing a spelling program that includes the rules and some phonics in it.


So, I have been researching, and reading lots. Does anyone have any experience with Phonetic Zoo by Institute for Excellence in Writing, All About Spelling or Rod and Staff's Spelling by Sound and Structure?


I would appreciate any information.



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I've used AAS and R&S Spelling. I would not recommend AAS for your son. He spells well, so he'd probably be really bored by the lower levels of AAS, and you can't really skip levels, so you would have to buy several levels all at once. Even with a first grader who wasn't a good speller, we used 3 levels in a school year. A 4th grader that does spell well would go even faster, I'm sure. Not worth the money to go THAT fast through it, IMO.


I really like R&S Spelling. It's independent (except for me giving the test). It has him working with the words, working on dictionary skills, etc. The grade 4 book *really* works with the rules and phonograms and syllabication, etc. I think it would be a good fit. Everything that AAS was teaching us in levels 1-3, I've seen repeated in R&S. You could also jump directly into the grade 4 book, no problem. And a bonus... it's cheap! :D

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