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Stress vent - getting house ready to sell


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I just need somewhere safe to whine. Someone please tell me it'll all come together!


We have been waiting for, literally, years for a particular house to come up for sale 12 hours away in our dream location. We have just been notified it's going up for sale in 3 months when the current owner moves to a seniors residence. We can't make an offer on the new one until our house here is sold because we need the sale money for the down payment on the next house. That's assuming that the political situation in QC won't mess up house sales this year and we get back at least what we paid for it.


We are partway through repainting 1/3 of the house, we have flooring to install in the hallway upstairs, I have run out of boxes to pack with, and I've already take a full van load to the Salvation Army but now I can't do a bleeping thing until a) we buy more paint B) we get more packing boxes c) we do more decluttering, which I need to do as I pack in some cases.


Then once we get all that stuff done I have to try to maintain the cleanliness level for house showings around 3 boisterous kids and two large dogs, try to arrange buying the other house long-distance, arrange moving vans, change utilities, get medical insurance moved to a different province's system, forward mail, and get the aforementioned kids and dogs all to the new place. Did I mention we are trying to do all this on one teeny tiny budget?


I am feeling pulled every which way and like nothing is coming together since we found out about the house Thursday. I feel like Housezilla, I am so stressed about getting it all done!


Anyone been there, done that, and lived to tell about it? Comforting stories and advice desperately needed!

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How exciting for you and your family! I can only imagine how thrilled you must be at the upcoming opportunity and how overwhelmed.


Moving, any change really, is always difficult when you are going through it. You will get it all done. You do not have to do it all today. Focus on what's required now and make a list for what's next. You will get it all done. Prioritize and focus.


What must be done to your current house?

What would be nice to get done?


Moving as much as you possibly can out of your current house or boxing it will be your best bet for keeping it all clean during showings. Just keep reminding yourselves of the goal and the end reward. As much as you possibly can, make it a family project.

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Hugs. It will work out... somehow. We moved from Kentucky to Illinois in September. Listed our house and while it was a bumpy road (first offer fell through, second contract had some issues with the bank so it took 60 days to close), and we almost drained our bank account (it wasn't that big, but still), had a massive gas leak while still doing showings, meanwhile we were living in a different state! It was stressful but it all worked out and I'm glad we're on the other side now!

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