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LoE with R&S grammar question (+ Classical Conversations)


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After agonizing for a few months over whether to take the learning plunge with WRTR or SWR, I discovered LoE this week and think it is going to be a good fit for our family. I have two boys (2nd and 3rd grade) who are quite close in English and writing capability and should be able to benefit greatly from the Essentials program. I have a 5 year old who will be starting K in the fall, and I'm excited to use the Foundations program when it is published.


Question: My boys are currently 2/3 of the way through Rod and Staff English 2 and 3. If I spend a year doing the LoE Essentials program with them, will it take the place of R&S grammar? I saw in the LoE sample pages that it covers parts of speech - but my 3rd grader is diagramming, etc in R&S and will I lose that if I drop R&S? I don't want to have them overwhelmed by adding LoE on top of what they are already doing. But I think the phonogram instruction is going to be crucial to their growth in language arts as a whole.


Also we're considering putting our 3rd grader in Classical Conversations Essentials this fall. Can anyone comment on how the Essentials program meshes (or doesn't) with LoE?


Thanks for any thoughts on these programs.


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I can address the CC portion.


Yes, LoE will prepare them well for Essentials. Basically any rigorous program will prepare them well. I've taught kids who have used Shurley, FLL, LoE, R&S, and ABeka.


I've also taught kids who had never had formal grammar before. That is going to be quite a bit tougher, but it can be done.


Ideally they at least know the parts of speech and have been doing some level of copywork. If they have been classifying and/or diagramming, the grammar program will provide depth that I haven't seen in any other program.

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