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Anyone using LOE to teach reading?


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I use it and I love it! My 3rd grader went through at a rapid pace. (A lesson every 1-2 days). I did that mostly for the spelling rules and grammar. I'm also using it for my 1st grader and it has made a huge difference in her reading abilities. She's on lesson 20 and we do one lesson per week. I space the work out over 5 days for 20 minute sessions or so. Sometimes longer, sometimes shorter. She has picked up the grammar so remarkable well it amazes me.

I really love how its laid out and includes a sufficient review and covers all aspects of the language arts (reading, spelling, grammar, dictation, and composition).

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We do use it as well. I guess I should have said that in my post. lol we are on lesson 12 with my 8yo second grader. Up until now, we have been using it all as laid out. We don't do the composition. I was thinking though of dropping the grammar portion as well until his reading is solid. I feel like at this point, I should focus on getting him reading rather better than getting bogged down with grammar. I was just curious to hear how others are using it for reading purposes. I also don't focus on him remembering to spell the words. At this point, we just go over the spelling words throughout the week once they have been dictated. I am just making sure he can read them.

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I wouldn't drop the grammar. It helps so much in enforcing how the words are put together in a sentence or story. That said, I don't push for total mastery on each grammar lesson. I look more for a basic understanding and then move on while looking back to review every so often. The program does a pretty good job of reviewing the grammar and building on it.

The later lessons do get more in depth than an 8 year old probably needs like subordination conjunctions and such, so those could probably be dropped or let go if you try to explain it and get a blank look from him :).

The basics of a sentence needing a subject then a verb and then some can help with reading fluency.

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