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Where to start with an 11yo? Narrating back to me what she has read...


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She has always been homeschooled. I have never required narration and now I am seeing why I should have. Or at least I think that is our problem. She can never tell me about what she just read or experienced. I have to literally pull it out of her brain piece by piece. Like today, she had some leftover science (video) class from Friday she needed to complete. I asked her to tell me what she learned about volcanoes. Nothing! Just a little of this and a little of that. The same thing with books in her literature class....can tell me little to nothing.


This is making me rethink what I am doing with my second grader. What can I use to get us on the right path? Would WWE be the place to start with my 8yo? What about my 11yo? What should I be doing with her to train her to hold the information on her head?




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She has always been homeschooled. I have never required narration and now I am seeing why I should have. Or at least I think that is our problem. She can never tell me about what she just read or experienced. I have to literally pull it out of her brain piece by piece. Like today, she had some leftover science (video) class from Friday she needed to complete. I asked her to tell me what she learned about volcanoes. Nothing! Just a little of this and a little of that. The same thing with books in her literature class....can tell me little to nothing.


This is making me rethink what I am doing with my second grader. What can I use to get us on the right path? Would WWE be the place to start with my 8yo? What about my 11yo? What should I be doing with her to train her to hold the information on her head?





IMO that's too open ended of a question. Start with her having to retell maybe a section at a time, smaller increments to build up her skills. If you need to get her started, ask leading questions, but not so open like, "tell me what you learned" that you get deer-in-the-headlights. That's just too huge of an area to answer. Be more specific and it's okay to start them or give then an answer. I call it modeling! So yes, it needs to be pulled out piece by piece. So go a page at a time or even a paragraph if needed. And for now you want the information they took from it. It doesn't have to be all inclusive. Baby steps. There are different types of narrations. Summary, detailed, or a simple retelling of what they took from it. Once she is doing a paragraph or page well, move to a larger chunk.

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I'll definitely work on that. I realize I am just asking too broad of a question. I was just interested in curriculum that already builds this in. I know WWE does this, but is there anything else? I don't necessarily know what questions to ask if I have not specifically looked at the chapter, page, ect myself. kwim?



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I'll definitely work on that. I realize I am just asking too broad of a question. I was just interested in curriculum that already builds this in. I know WWE does this, but is there anything else? I don't necessarily know what questions to ask if I have not specifically looked at the chapter, page, ect myself. kwim?




Yeah, as they get older I find I do have to do the reading so that I can discuss it with him. Teacher books and lit guides do help up to a point, but I do need to have read the material to really know if my kid understands.

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