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MCT...independent reading/writing?


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I would love to start MCT at some point for my 8 year old, but I am wondering--must the child be reading and writing independently? He is mildly dyslexic and so far we can only do curricula that can be done completely verbally (with me reading to him and him answering verbally). He can do some amount of writing, but not much before he gets exhausted and overwhelmed.



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Thanks for the advice! He actually does have excellent aural memory...I often wonder if it is because he doesn't read. (I know I've heard that we as a society began losing our memory once we became readers...i.e. once we decided to write down the Iliad instead of remembering it and passing it on orally.)


Anyway he can listen to just about any story out loud no matter how advanced and remember details....I am always the one who is saying 'huh? i don't remember that..."


I don't know why I had just assumed he couldn't do MCT until he was reading fluently...glad i decided to ask!

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