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Please help me decide between....(6th grade lit, comp, & history)


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Please help me decide between these 2 options for my 6th grader who is a VERY strong reader and has her heart set on being a writer when she grows up... You should also know that I have three youngers and the two little ones are very much underfoot so time and flexibility are factors.


We are doing the Ancients this year (we're a year behind with the 4-year rotation).


Option 1:


History Odyssey

Lightning Literature & Composition 7th grade




Option 2:

Tapestry of Grace

(do I need a writing program with TOG??)

(If we go with TOG, my 3rd grader will also be participating)



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I don't think that either one would put your dd at a disadvantage. I'm not familiar with History Odyssey. If it were ME, I'd probably lean towards TOG, because it'd be a little easier to juggle with the younger kids.


I do not believe you need an additional writing program with TOG. I bought the "classic" several years ago, as I was seriously considering it. We decided to continue with SOTW, but the writing component back then was SO awesome that I hung onto it for an extra year and meshed some of it with SOTW, because it was SO good. :) I think TOG's writing covers a wider variety than IEW, and I'm a HUGE fan of IEW.


The other thing to consider with TOG is that you need to stay flexible! You can't read all of the books, it's not written that way! Marcia says that over and over, but some people find it hard to NOT do it all. :)

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I agree with the above post also. We use Tapestry of Grace as well and it is a strong curriculum. Writing and Literature are provided as well as geography, philosphy, church history, etc. The Ancients in TOG is my favorite year. It is very rich, particularly in the Dialectic/rhetoric level. We learned the most in this particular year and it stretched us in worldview and critical thinking. Definitely a thumbs up!

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