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Help me figure out what to supplement w/ - architecture/ green bldg


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10yo DS has recently informed me when he grows up he wants to be an architect that builds Earthships (basically green homes built out of tires and living off the grid) - http://earthship.com/ I think it would be neat to build one for ourselves, but not the reality.


Well he's been doing lots of design drawings for the homes. While a lot can change between now and adulthood trying to figure out how to use this passion, encourage him and supplement his education w/ various things.


Looking for ideas on architecture, building, renewable energy, and anything else you can think of. So, ideas of books to read, activity/ lab books, maybe TOPS (didn't think of it until I typed), websites, videos, and more.


And if you've ever seen an Earthship or live near one PLEASE post!!!



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Have at look at permaculture. The UK Permaculture Magazine is probably the best place to get a feel for what's going on ( I can only just type on my new iPad, so a link is beyond me at the moment) . Lots of urban food growing, sustainability, and earth building. Also google " hobbit house Wales" for a lovely building. And "tiny house". - cubby houses for grown ups. DS 12 loved the you-tube clip.


There was a Grand Designs episode on an earth ship in France. And there is a guy who build houses out of rubbish. I'll try to find a link later.


Have you looked at the book Shelter by Lloyd Khan?





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