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I know I had eczema (especially on my scalp) as a child, but truly haven't had too much of an issue with it as an adult. Anyway, for the last 3yr or so, every winter (usually once I start wearing socks) my 2nd toe on my left foot gets a small, scaly red patch that itches TERRIBLY. It's in the SAME spot every year.....and drives me crazy. It's tiny, and right on the knuckle and itches so, so, so bad. Does this look/sound like eczema (please ignore my old pedicure, lol)? If so, what do I do? Cortizone doesn't seem to be helping?!?



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With the pregnancy your options may be limited. I know that my doctor wanted to make sure I didn't go too crazy with just over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream when I was pregnant. If you weren't pregnant, I would say to ask your doctor for a stronger prescription corticosteroid. I used triamcinolone for my hand eczema when it flared up this summer and it went away within days. Maybe try vaseline and keep it covered?

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With the pregnancy your options may be limited. I know that my doctor wanted to make sure I didn't go too crazy with just over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream when I was pregnant. If you weren't pregnant, I would say to ask your doctor for a stronger prescription corticosteroid. I used triamcinolone for my hand eczema when it flared up this summer and it went away within days. Maybe try vaseline and keep it covered?


Good to know!


I'm not even 100% sure it's eczema.....does that look like the culprit?

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