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Comparing college Biology classes

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On our recent visit with middle son at the University of Rochester (research U), youngest sat in on his Bio class (and loved it BTW). Youngest is also taking a college Bio class this year (offered by his high school, but the same class as is offered at our local cc and is similar at the local LAC - college credit is given). Since many here are contemplating college choices I thought it was worthwhile to mention his thoughts...


The class he sat in on was covering cell replication. According to youngest, his (local) class "skimmed the surface" of the topic vs the research U. The local class stated that there were enzymes and proteins involved in DNA separation and continued on. The research U was going through the proteins by name and what they did...


Pending what one wants in a college, know that the content of classes may differ. My research guy is really glad he chose the research U, but another student who merely wants the basics will be overwhelmed with the additional study needed. There is no lower level Bio class offered at either college.


There is a reason the research U will not accept the credits from the others. They are not the same course even if the names are similar. ;) (Admittedly, this is one class and one topic, but with conversation between the two boys, this is typical.)


Make sure, when contemplating college options, that you match the student and their "needs" to the school.

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It was interesting, because I saw several kids making disgruntled faces, some parents were scowling, and others looked quite pleased to hear that.


It is really good for parents/students to know these things ahead of time IMO. That way they can find a better fit for themselves. There are far too many people who think College A = College B because Bio 101 is the same everywhere. Until I brought in the recent proof, even the college Bio teacher at our school was spouting that nonsense. It took him less than 10 seconds looking at a test to see that he was incorrect. Years of my telling him went in one ear and out the other. He simply couldn't believe that "Basic" Bio classes would be teaching what they are at several upper level schools. He thought those "details" or topics were reserved for higher level classes. They aren't.

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