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Unit study for middle school dd?


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Can anyone point me to some resources (or something already planned!) for my dd who will be in 8th grade next year? She is very, very tactile. She is bright, but not at all academically motivated at this point. I'm looking for some ways to engage her, while still getting in the skills she needs for high school. She will be doing science and Latin at tutorial, and algebra here at home. She doesn't enjoy history at all, and I've never been able to spark an interest in this area! She's young for her age, and she really enjoys helping her brother with his phonics work--his program incorporates lots of games and pieces that can be manipulated and sorted. I think she would enjoy notebooking and making flip books, but so many of the resources I've seen are geared to much younger kids.


So, my question...Can anyone recommend resources for me? Or ideas for me to incorporate more tactile experiences into her daily work? I think she would enjoy a unit study approach, and I think I may finally be at a place where I could pull it off. :) I'm looking to cover language arts (writing, literature, and grammar), American (and some Canadian) history, geography, and maybe artist/composer studies?



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Thank you, Moon!! I've looked at this before as a possibility, especially since my dd would love to study about Canada. My only concern is what if she doesn't enjoy Anne of GG? (gasp!!) Then she will fight me all year. :) I'm a big Anne fan (even gave this particular child the middle name of Anne--with an "e") so I think it looks like fun! Do you read many other works? How much time are you spending on it a week? What are you using to beef it up? Thanks for the reply!!

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