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Massive emotional PMS after baby - normal?

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I feel a little silly asking this, but you folks are a large pool of (mostly) women who might have the input I need, so here goes!


When my second child was about 9 months old, I began having PMS-like emotional swings (you know, "He left his socks on the floor, so obviously he DOESN'T love me at ALL! Waah!") which lasted for 3 months until I returned to a normal cycle. I was (and am) heavily breastfeeding.


It took me six weeks to realize that I was hormonal. Calling it hormones helped me relax and push past the horrible feelings, but during those three months, I really, really didn't ever want to have another kid. I felt crazy. I did a lot of crying. I wanted to give away all the baby gear. My poor husband....


I feel much better now.


Is this anybody else's experience? Is there a way to smooth this out if we decide to have a third child?

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I used to get like that for two weeks out of the month, every single month. It was awful. I would sit and cry over nothing. Then I started getting angry. I hated it for myself and my family having to live with me. I seriously found myself wishing I could go live in a cave or on a deserted island for that time.

Thankfully I found women's freedom tea from mountain rose herbs. I now feel like a different person. I never since I started taking it have even the slightest hint of pms. Things don't bother me and I finally feel like a normal human the whole month not just a week or week and a half out of the month. It is the most amazing stuff ever and I will never run out again. hth

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Thanks, I'll look into that. Do you think you can take it while nursing?


I can't see why not. I don't think it would hurt speaking as an herbalist and midwife. However use your own judgement. Maybe start with a little bit then work your way up. I drink 16 oz a day. I miss a few days but try not to miss a lot.

Edited by puddles
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