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Illustrator/Writer ideas for my 10-year-old


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My almost 10-year-old is really interested in becoming an illustrator/writer of picture books. He is very, very passionate about this and has asked for anything that can help him figure this path out. I am all about feeding this passion, but I am at a loss for where to begin. Any ideas out there???


Right now he draws/paints all the time working on figuring out how to improve upon his work. We stumbled upon the blog of the illustrator for A Famous Day for Amos McGee and he was memorized reading about her process wanting to try his hand at print making.


He has lists/outlines of story ideas in notebooks. Some he writes out, but mostly he just gathers the ideas that find their way into his brain. Or he'll get really inspired by a certain part and write it out in detail. He has never been too interested in making books out of paper, but I thought about maybe offering to print a collection for him from a photo site maybe if he wanted to polish a few of the ideas??? (It'd be too expensive I think to print one at a time.)


He reads stacks upon stacks of picture books from those directed at babies to those directed at older kids. He loves them all. And will lose himself himself to different illustrating techniques and search out books that are similar so he can have reference to practice. And practice he does. We started our journey with Five in a Row and the art lessons were always the favorite of his.


So any ideas on how I can further feed this passion. Any book recs that he can look at? He'll read anything. This idea/passion has always been there, but he is just now showing a strong interest in doing something with it.

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Believe it or not, I am actually a children's book illustrator! (I have illustrated three books for Blessings Unlimited, a division of DaySpring Cards. Here is some of my art.)


I can give you a list of books he can peruse, if you would like. He could also join the SCBWI (Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators) and attend a writer's conference in your area. But honestly, what helped me my whole life is just devouring children's books from the library. I learned more from pouring over them and studying my favorites, than any How-To book.


Another thought is my friend, Rich Davis. He was an illustrator at DaySpring for years, then ventured out to illustrate the Tiny books. He has developed his own game that helps teach kids how to draw and be creative, called Pick and Draw. You might reach out to him. He is a wonderful, generous man who loves to help kids!


Hope that helps! Feel free to ask any other questions (though I don't know how much help I am!)



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