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Literary Pockets...love them

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I have used History Pockets in the past and I own a few Literary Pockets but just never used them. Last week I pulled out the Folktales and Fairy Tales one and we had a blast. I checked out several different Jack and the Beanstalk books and each day we read one, noting the similarities and differences. We did the craft/exercises given and on Friday we made notes on all the things kept the same in the books. I then went through them and had dd write her own version of Jack and the Beanstalk keeping the same things that the others had in them. We made one exception, Jack had to be a girl. The story dd created had us all giggling, I was amazed at the ideas she came up with. She is begging to do another one right away but I plan on doing a pocket every few weeks (Princess and the Frog is next). I just wanted to share how great these are or at least the Folktales and Fairy tales one is. We were able to discuss literary devices, morals (Jack stealing from the giant and killing him, some books the giant was just an innocent man who lives in the clouds), an authors creativity, following direction, view point, and more.

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