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Killing Kennedy for 11 yr ds?

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I haven't had time to read Killing Kennedy yet, and skimming it might not answer my question. If you have read the book, is there anything inappropriate for an 11 year old? I don't know how in depth they might get with RFK's liaisons, for example. Our son grabbed it the day after it arrived from Amazon and began reading it with great interest.

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I just found a YouTube post where Bill OReilly states he will come out with the kid friendly version of Killing Kennedy in the spring. Profanities and sexual references will be removed which answers my question about the current version. I told my son he will need to wait until then and he can read that version.

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I just found a YouTube post where Bill OReilly states he will come out with the kid friendly version of Killing Kennedy in the spring. Profanities and sexual references will be removed which answers my question about the current version. I told my son he will need to wait until then and he can read that version.

Sorry! I read that as "Killing Lincoln".

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