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raw milk co-op question

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I've read on here that a few of you participate in a raw milk co-op situation and a few may run one as well. We live on a farm that used to be dairy. I'm interested in maybe starting a co-op, maybe starting with one cow and work up to 2 or 3, but only if will be somewhat profitable. Does anyone have any input on this? If you have a co-op do you make a profit? I know feed would be the major expense, except for hay that my FIL grows for his cattle. I've done some checking and the average price people are paying in this area is 4.50/gallon with a co-op share fee of anywhere between $25-$150.

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You need to research your state laws to find out how to legally work it in your state. You also need to decide how you want to raise the cows, there are differences which will affect your client list (what kind of feed, organic certified or no, gmo free grain, no grain and just grass, etc.). You need to figure out what breed of cow works best for you. You need to figure out what procedures you are going to use to keep your milk fresh and clean and whether or not you will test it. You need to figure out if you are going to offer delivery, pick up at a central location, or having people come to the farm.


I would suggest that if you are really interested, you choose a breed, then raise it for milk just for your own family for one year. You can always use excess milk for cheese and dairy products. I also find that raw milk freezes rather well. After a year, you will know if you want to do more of this very hard work and how to scale it for profit. Or you will have figured out that there just isn't enough profit in it for you.


Good luck!

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