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Need ideas/input for prioritizing and getting school done around therapies

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I did not post this on the Special Needs board although it might also fit there.


I have three dc--6th grade, 3rd grade, and 1st grade this year.


The younger two both have special needs (mild, but) that are going to require intervention this year. The 3rd grader is getting therapy for a newly diagnosed language disorder. The 1st grader is getting speech therapy for his articulation issues. The 3rd grader will have a feeding team evaluation next month and may end up with occupational therapy, too.


We already weren't getting everything done in school last year (some things just take forever...especially when dealing with special needs issues and regular curriculum) and now we add therapies.


I may need to "drop" or "cut back" something this year. What would you do? How would you use the time spent sitting in the waiting room while one kid or another or two kids were in therapy?


I'm in need of suggestions... TIA

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We take work with us and do it in the waiting room. If there are too many people in the waiting room, I let the receptionist know that we are in the car and I take the other kids out to the car and we work out there.

Sometimes, if they aren't busy, they have allowed us to use empty therapy rooms as well.


Now that most of my kids are older, I can give them assignments and leave them home. But when they were younger, we just grabbed some workbooks and off we went. We usually took something like spelling or a read-aloud, math if we had already done the lesson, etc.


If you are using SOTW, you can take the tapes on CD with headphones too. Many ways to make good use of those therapy hours. We've had hundreds.

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