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I am confused, can someone help? Admin please explain

Guest homeschoolmomto2

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Guest homeschoolmomto2

I am new to this particular WTM board. Over the eight years of homeschooling and selling on this board, due to life circumstances I have not been on this board since last August.


Tell me if I am understanding the new rules correctly. I cannot post on any FS or WTB board until I post on another forum at least 50 times?


If I am understanding this correctly, I must chat and converse for awhile before I get other posting privileges. Is that right? What constitutes a post - one reply? starting a new thread? do all post on the same day count separately?


I truly appreciate your attempt to control and keep out the bad guys. None of us like the slight feeling of "am I being taken" when doing a transaction. It seems this has become a very exclusive board, which, perhaps that what it was meant to be all along. Everyone is great, I just don't usually do the chat boards. I have homeschooled for eight years, I work part-time, plus have many other ourside commitments.


I appreciate your guidance so I know how to proceed according to the rules.


Thank you in advance for your help!


Warm regards,

Janice Cahill

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