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X-Post: Is now the time for me to go back to college?

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Fall of 2013 I will have 3 kiddos in college and one I am homeschooling who will be in 8th grade. I'm thinking it might be the right time to do some classes online through the local community college. Would me applying for financial aid mess up my kiddos' or would 4 in our household in college help matters? Honestly, on one income I'm not sure how we could pay for me to go back if I didn't get really good aid.


Any advice from those who have BTDT and gone back when they had kiddos in college?



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I just started at the CC. :)


Money is not a problem here as the CC is super-cheap, so I can't answer your questions about that. But I am having a little trouble juggling everything. Now that oldest is in college, and youngest is a senior in high school (taking most of his classes at CC), I feel I should be cooking/cleaning at a higher level. None of that "I'm too busy homeschooling" stuff anymore. And it's just a different mindset than when I was having to teach dc every subject - now I have to stick to a school schedule for MYSELF!


If you can swing it financially, I'd do it! Keep in mind that your youngest will still need your help, although I realize different kids have different maturity levels.

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