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Chalk Dust Geometry. Bought it and have questions.

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I just received this today. I don't really remember anything about geometry but was surprised that there were only 10 chapters. Also, I was surprised with the multiple page list of typos.


Is this program going to be prepare my dc for the SAT?


What is the difference betwen the new and the traditional? I am wondering if I should return this and purchase a used traditional? Except I feel I need it now.


So, any input on my purchase? I might be having buyers remorse even though I haven't even unwrapped the first disc. Can I open the book and still be able to return if that is what I decide? It didn't say, just mentioned not to open the other discs.



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This is the cover of the one he used. It was the new set (at that time- 2009)





http://www.chalkdust.com/geomout.html This one says Larson, but it looks like the Alexander text?


I'm not recommending it, but my dd took the PSAT/SAT before taking Geometry and did just fine on those questions since she had taken plenty of practice tests.

Edited by nynyny
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Hi Carpe Diem! Three of our dc have used the CD Geometry book so far.


I just received this today. I don't really remember anything about geometry but was surprised that there were only 10 chapters. Also, I was surprised with the multiple page list of typos.

It is normal for textbooks to have typos. I think it's great that CD keeps track of them and gives you an errata sheet. If you keep the book, I'd recommend marking them before handing it to your student.


Is this program going to be prepare my dc for the SAT?

I would say yes, it will prepare your dc for the SAT as a byproduct of preparing them for higher-level math. I've had three dc use CD Geometry. Two of them took the SAT and scored very well. They are both math majors in college. The third hasn't taken the SAT yet.


What is the difference betwen the new and the traditional? I am wondering if I should return this and purchase a used traditional? Except I feel I need it now.

We have the traditional. Sorry I can't tell you the differences. I recommend calling CD to discuss that topic. They are very helpful on the phone.


So, any input on my purchase? I might be having buyers remorse even though I haven't even unwrapped the first disc. Can I open the book and still be able to return if that is what I decide? It didn't say, just mentioned not to open the other discs.

It is very difficult to recommend a math program, especially since I don't know what kind of math students your dc are (and I bet they are all different from each other, too :)). I can just say that it worked for mine. It only has 10 chapters, but it was plenty for a full school year. Each section took 1-4 days, the midchapter quiz took 1 day, the review took 1 day, and the chapter test took 1 day. The time adds up! But when my two oldest took their first proofs class in college (proofs is the gateway to higher level math), they were comfortable with doing them. Logic was another help with proofs - they took logic in middle school (ds) and high school (dd).




Hope this helps! Please feel free to ask any more questions. I'll try my best to answer.



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