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If your kids do presentations at CC or elsewhere...


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We're in a 1x/week co-op. Wondering if there are 8 kids interested in doing presentations 1x/month. If you have had kids do presentations at Classical Conversations or elsewhere or can provide me with some help....


* Do you have a list or site where I can get a list of tips to help kids present well? (things like look at your audience, don't read off your paper...)

* What are some topics the kids have presented on?

* What sort of feedback, if any, is provided to each child?


This is 3-5th graders and their siblings. About 3 minutes each during a 30 minute lunch. The goal is to get them comfy standing in front of others and presenting, not making them win state at some speech/ debate tourney. Or what are your goals at CC or elsewhere for kids presenting?


Other thoughts?

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You might want to google for 4H public presentation tips. Here, at that age Dd has to speak for 8 mins and there is a judging sheet that lists all the things the judges are looking for. I'll see if I can find the info we give out and post a link later. It may be too specific to 4H to meet your purposes.

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We're in a 1x/week co-op. Wondering if there are 8 kids interested in doing presentations 1x/month. If you have had kids do presentations at Classical Conversations or elsewhere or can provide me with some help....


* Do you have a list or site where I can get a list of tips to help kids present well? (things like look at your audience, don't read off your paper...)

* What are some topics the kids have presented on?

* What sort of feedback, if any, is provided to each child?


This is 3-5th graders and their siblings. About 3 minutes each during a 30 minute lunch. The goal is to get them comfy standing in front of others and presenting, not making them win state at some speech/ debate tourney. Or what are your goals at CC or elsewhere for kids presenting?


Other thoughts?



If you are a member of CC Connected, it has a list of presentations and skills to be taught each week. It is divided by older students and younger students. It gives a topic for the week (literature narration, family, etc.) and discusses the skill for that week (eye contact, confidence, etc.) Each skill has a piece of clip art to help the kids visualize what to do. Plus, it has a checklist that the teacher uses to check off the speaking skills that are being mastered and the skills that need help.


That is the presentation list that we use for our CC group.



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