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Good movie about homesteading in Wyoming

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Watched a pretty good movie tonight, and thought some people might find it appropriate for their American history studies. "Heartland" (1980 starring Rip Torn and Conchata Ferrell). It is set in 1910 and is about a widow and her young daughter moving from Boston to Wyoming where the mother takes a job as a housekeeper. The man's accent is a bit hard to understand and I think younger kids might not get some of it. It is a rather stark view of homesteading, and might be a bit much for some kids. It is pretty realistic - shows cows being skinned, pig being shot and throat cut, baby's birth, calf's birth (pretty amazing - they pulled him out by his feet). And the sad realities of frontier life as well... see below for spoiler....










sad death of the baby, whose body is shown (from afar) being washed after he dies. It didn't feel to me like a particularly sad movie, just the realities of frontier life and how difficult it was - but they dealt with it. And they just keep on working and trusting that things will work out!

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