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Singapore math: switching from US to standards?

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Are you using the Primary level and wondering if you can switch from one level to another? If that's the question here is the response from singmath.com



Can we switch from the US Edition to the Standards Edition?

For 1A-2B it is possible to switch from the A book in the U.S. Edition to the B book in the Standards Edition. For levels 3-5, you will need to finish the B books of one level before switching to A book of the next level and not switch mid year. Between levels 5 and 6, it is not advisable to switch editions at all.

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Are you asking about Singapore 6A? Well, the biggest issue I can see is that U.S. 5B did not cover Algebra but Standards 5B did. So, you will completely miss out on Algebra as well as a geometry and graphing lesson group. The geometry in US 6A was covered in Standards 5B. We did Standards 5B and I switched to US 6A because I wanted my dd to review what we had learned last semester. I don't think you can really switch at 6A. You need to make a move from US 5B to Standards 5B so you don't miss out on 3 big areas.

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What awesome answers!!! I am pretty sure my daughter would be mortified if I had her keep doing 5b after finishing the US 5b. But I kinda like that idea. The standards covers so much more. So it is better to switch them earlier then? I might start doing that with my younger ones. Thanks :)

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