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Veritas Press Self Paced Online Group Rate

Tina H.

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Hello all,


I've been on this board for many years, but rarely post. I am posting now because VP has a special for their online self paced history courses. If 10 of us sign up as a group, we each get $50 off the regular price of $199. If 20 of us sign up then the group organizer (me :-) gets the course for free. That would be a huge blessing to our family as we have had a great many medical expenses this year. You do not send me any money. VP handles everything. You will get a coupon code once we have enough people signed up. We do not all have to purchase the same course nor do we have a set start date. Each person starts at the time they want. We need to get this together by the end of Sept. and actually I would prefer we do it by Sept 3 if possible since I am doing the free 2 week trial and need to purchase the course by then for all the grades to transfer over. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks! Tina


Here is the info I need from you. You can send it to howardfaml at gmail.com


To sign up and receive the special coupon code for your group of ten or more, please email your contact information as the primary group contact and include a list which includes the following for each group member:


Parent Name


Phone Number

Email Address

Each student name with specific course selection



Here is a link to the course if you want to see it:



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