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How long does Saxon 1 take w/ non-reader?


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My 5 year old is going to do Saxon 1 this year. This is my third time teaching it but I have never taught it to a child who can't read their page and work on the worksheet by themselves, so I'm guessing that adds a chunk of time. How long does it take your kiddo if you are in the same boat (or once was)? I'm hoping 1 1/2 hr. is enough for Saxon 1 Math and Saxon 1 Phonics with him.

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We never spent more than 30 minutes on Math 1. (We didn't do their phonics.) Some days ds would read the worksheet himself and some days I would read it to him. At that level, I always sat with him, though, and it was 20-30 min. max.

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My 5 yo does Saxon Phonics K and Saxon Math 1. His math takes us about 30-45 minutes.....but, we don't always do all of the calendar. His phonics takes us about 30-45 minutes, also. But....sometimes we skip stuff! ;) So...if you do everything...it might take you a little longer than me. Plus....I will add....that Saxon Phonics 1 is harder (and more time-consuming) than Saxon Phonics K. I have done both....grade one is much more time-intensive. Easily.....Saxon Phonics 1 could take a complete hour....if you do everything they say....again...I don't.... (confession to the world....)



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Thanks a lot! That was helpful! Hopefully most days an hour and a half will be enough. It is thanks to you that I am starting Saxon Phonics :-) I'll let you know if I like it. I don't do all of it either. After a while with the meeting I just do what is in bold and a lot of things I write out for them to do themselves such as the counting and the pattern and things like that. As long as he can not take forever on the worksheet or understand the directions after I've explained them then I think we'll be good :-) That is, if I can keep his attention that long!

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Thanks a lot! That was helpful! Hopefully most days an hour and a half will be enough. It is thanks to you that I am starting Saxon Phonics :-) I'll let you know if I like it. I don't do all of it either. After a while with the meeting I just do what is in bold and a lot of things I write out for them to do themselves such as the counting and the pattern and things like that. As long as he can not take forever on the worksheet or understand the directions after I've explained them then I think we'll be good :-) That is, if I can keep his attention that long!



Good! I hope you like it! We are usually done with both in an hour an a half....but....we skip all of the card games in Phonics (although he would probably love them) and we are hit and miss as to whether we do the entire calendar for math. We do the entire calendar, but not everyday. I have my guy sit in the kitchen to do his worksheets....while I am making or cleaning up breakfast. That way, I can read each problem to him, but I can be doing something else at the same time. Plus...added bonus...it lets his brothers do their math without 5yo brother noise in the background!


Hope that helps!


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