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Religious content in Beautiful Feet's Geography?


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I will preface by saying, we haven't done the study yet. We are doing it this year though. I just did a google search on the Holling C. Holling books and religious content and a blog post said there is evolutionary content in Minn of Mississippi and not a lot of Bible. My guess is that the books that the study is based on are not religious and if there is religious content in the study guide you can omit it. I hope someone that has read the books chimes in and gives a better evaluation.

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I am mostly wondering about the Beautiful Feet Guide for the books, rather than the books themselves. I don't mind some religious content in a book that makes sense in context, as long as the plot isn't merely a vehicle for moralizing. For example, I love the Little House books and don't mind the religious content, but I decided against using the Prairie Primer, because it seemed that the entire curriculum had a heavy emphasis on "character" complete with Bible verses.

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I have the old guide, pre-update with color pictures, and it has 2 references in Minn of Mississippi. One that asks you to look up scripture on instinct and one that offers a creationist view of the dinosaurs. There is also one book selection called God's Mountain Man that is recommended for Tree in the Trail but not required. This is in the older edition though.

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I would skip the American History guide from Beautiful feet. I felt like it was really silly and obvious. Like we would read about a lake and a river and a turtle, and SURPRISE! Their idea was to map the lake and river and read up on the turtle species. I could have easily made those things up on the spot and I stopped using the guide after the first week or so.


The IEW guide was invaluable. It explained how to pace the writing side of things and where to be in the units and what dress-ups to be teaching and all of that.

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