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So...why am I not losing weight?

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I'm hoping to get to that point, later, after I hit my goal weight, but for me, I know this is a lifestyle. THis is it-this is my new normal, and I feel so good and have such freedom I'm OK with that.




I agree, this has been the easiest I've ver lost weight. And I KNEW I should have been doing it (really, when you know-- I totally knew but ignored my inner voice) but I just lacked the drive until I *had* to.


This is a lifestyle for me, but I AM hoping to have Sunday splurges one day. :001_smile:


It took me a long time to develop a healthy eating habit. I would have a cheat meal and totally spiral downward. The biggest problem is KNOWING you need to eat a certain way, and getting eye rolls. Like "whatever" just eat the stupid thing. Yeah, and then I'll tank and feel like carp LOL!


It's definitely a lifestyle change but has been nothing but positive for me.


My weekness is salty and crunchy :glare:

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