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2nd grader using AAH...how much?

Sue G in PA

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I'm using AAH1 with my 6th, 4th and 2nd graders this year. As it is written more for a 5th-8th grade age group, my 4th and 2nd graders will obviously not be doing all the work. The TM has some good suggestions for the younger grades, but I was wondering if anyone here has had any experience using AAH with younger kids? I can't afford to get AAH Jr. My plan is to have my younger 2 listen in when I read the lesson to ds11, listen to the read-alouds I have scheduled, do some copywork/drawing using Draw and Write Through History (when appropriate to the time period), crafts using the Hands and Hearts Early American History kit, and read some age-appropriate books related to topics we are studying. I have a History Pockets kit in there somewhere and possibly a lapbook or 2. Any other suggestions? I don't want to overwhelm them. Ds9 will get American History again in high school and dd6 will get it again in middle and high. For her, this is just a "sampling" (she also used HOD Beyond last year with ds9...focus was mostly on the Colonial Period so we won't go in depth again this year).

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