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Overwhelmed with planning!

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For the last several years, I have used curriculum that had everything already planned for me. MFW and HOD mainly. This year, I took a break from HOD for my younger ones and decided to use AAH. Ds12 will still use HOD (and ds11 will also use selected parts of that program as well...all of it would be too overwhelming for him). My oldest 2 (9th and 11th) are using MFW US1 together. Why am I so overwhelmed? I've never had to actually PLAN anything for so many years now! Now I have to schedule AAH and the readings that we will do to coorespond to it, plan science (interest led this year for the youngest), plan our read-alouds, etc. You get the picture. Plus I will have a 4yo using MFW K and my 2 high school students to keep up with. US1 will be challenging for my 9th grader (it was designed for 11th and 12th but I want to keep them on the same period in History right now so I'm going to "tweak" it a bit for my ds14). Any advice for me? Any planners that made your life easier? We are doing a 6 week on/1 week off school year so I am only planning 6 weeks at a time and using that 1 week off to plan the next 6 weeks. HOD made it so easy for me. I'm just not used to going it "alone". This is mainly just a little "vent", but if anyone has any advice to help me feel less frazzled I would be much appreciative. Thanks!

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