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How time consuming is Apologia Science for elementary grades?


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I'm looking at diving into a prepared science for the first time, and I like the content in Apologia w/ the notebooking journals. I'd like to do science one day a week per LCC idea. I don't mind doing more reading on the other days, but I just need to know if the hands on (notebooking and experiments) are doable just one day per week.


If you have any other suggestions for Science that can be done one day per week without much fuss for the mom and with a good deal of content, please suggest! I would love to know why you love the program and why you feel it would fit my criteria. Thank you!!


(I must have a straight-forward, no-fuss curriculum I can buy in a package for two reasons: 1. I don't know much about Science, but must please my Science loving hubby in my handing down science education to our kids. Thus the reason for it being really great content-wise. 2. It must be no-fuss, all-in-one package because I currently have three children 2 and under, so "running out to the store for an item I'm missing that I need for a Science experiment" is an all day affair.)


Thanks hive!

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It is a very indepth curriculum. It lays everything out for you including items you need per chapter. Infact, I believe you can go to the website and see the supplies. Most of it is simple stuff you would have around the house. The amount of time you want to spend on it is up to you. Each chapter is divided into sections. Sometimes we only do a couple, and sometimes we do more.

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Maybe your 8 yr old can read the books himself but expecting Apologia to be done in one day a week plus experiments and notebooking might be a lot to ask unless it is the only thing done for the day. This is a great curriculum and easy to do however it a great amount of info being leaned. To process it takes time. However my youngest son did these books when he was in 4-6th and did them solo. He was able to do them all by himself, just needing me to listen to his oral narrations and gather supplies. What he learned he retained and still talks about those books today(he is going into 10th).


Elemental Science is an extremely easy curriculum to use. 15 mins a day/4 x a week. You read one page, child narrates and you write down his narration for him to copy on the notebook page. He colors and cuts a picture to past by narration. One experiment a week that uses NORMAL household items. Multi ages can do this.

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Assuming you want to complete the book in one school year, the pace of one day a week would give you two days to finish an entire chapter. That could work if you're reserving that day for just the experiments and notebooking, and reading/narrating on the other days. Putting all the reading, notebooking and experiments into those two days, however, would be too much for the ages in your signature.

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I was just complaining to my hubby about this this morning.


I really love Apologua but it is time consuming. The reading takes about two hours per week to read it aloud, and discuss it. We are only doing HAlF the notebook activities and that takes another hour per week minimum. Additionally, the experiments take another hour per two weeks. (we aren't doing most of them.).


So it's Not that is extremely time consuming compared to other in-depth parent directed Science. But compared to Abeka, it's far more time consuming.


If I can keep up with it, I'm glad we are doing it. We are truly enjoying learning about birds!

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I'm getting a much better idea realistically. Because I really like the content, and the format, I could, then, do it over a longer period of time (CM style as it is) and maybe not do all the experiments, or do one every couple of weeks or so. My second born is more advanced in his academic skills than my first born, and very motivated to study science on his own. I think he might enjoy taking the reins on this one.



With that in mind, what I'm wondering is: what are your top three favorite volumes for Apologia Elementary Science series? (because we most likely will not get through all of them. :lol:)

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