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Osgood-Schlatter and Physical Therapy

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Anyone whose dc's have been diagnosed with Osgood-Schlatter disease, did they have physical therapy? Did it help?


My 10 yo dd first started having sever knee pain about two months after she got kicked just below the knee playing soccer. We let her rest and ice and for about 2 to 3 days and then I took her in for an x-ray. I really didn't think it was broken but just wanted to check since it was causing pain still. No broken bones but it came back possible osgood-schlatter. They didn't recommend doing anything but over the course of the last two months anytime she does any kind of activity her knee pain flares up and she down for another 2 to 3 days. It hurts get up, and walk. She will alternates ice and heat and will rest and elevate as well.


I spoke to the doctor and she ordered an MRI and physical therapy. Does this sound like Osgood-Schlatter still or some other kind of injury that was missed two months ago.



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I have Osgood-Schlatter and my left knee was always super-tender when I was growing up. I could never kneel on it and it would throb after excessive amounts of exercise (I was very active). It would usually flare up when I was growing. I would just take an Advil and be ok.


Knees are tricky to figure out. Your daughter may have pulled a ligament that didn't heal properly or this could be one of those normal flare ups. After a while she'll probably be able to figure out what's "normal," but if you're not sure I'm sure a doctor could figure out the problem.


BTW, now that I've stopped growing, there's no more pain. However, the pointy knee still makes it difficult to kneel...

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