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Is there any such thing as this?

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My daughter has a pretty well developed vocabulary for her age I think. She is such a visual learner, though, that I've considered getting the Cartoon Vocabulary book (mentioned in another thread). I looked at the word list and think she already knows and uses quite a few of those words but there are still a good number that she doesn't.



I've been thinking of how to use the thing and I believe I'd like her to do a Latin or Greek word study for each word and then find a passage from quality literature to copy. Is there any such resource for finding specific vocab words in passages like this? Maybe a book . . . you could look up the vocab word in the back and then it would give a page to turn to to see a passage from . . . oh . . . Journey to the Center of the Earth or something from Kipling in which the author uses that word . . . is there anything like that out there?



or maybe a website and you could type in the word and find a passage.



But not twaddle. I'm a twaddle bigot. Its not that I never let my kiddo read twaddle but I put scorpions in her chair while she reads to make sure she doesn't enjoy it.



so, I'd really like the passages to come from really lovely, beautifully written work.



Alright, I know you have tons of resources! I can't wait to see them!

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Might not be the classic lit references you're thinking of, but many (older) dictionaries use literary examples. I remember the reprinted Webster's having lots from older lit and the Bible.


Really??? I would love that! I have a gigantic, elderly, all-falling-apart dictionary that I love but it doesn't have that. It's time to branch out!


off to search. Thanks, Sebastian!

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Have you looked at Vocabulit? We used it last year. I can't think of anything that does what you're looking for, but Vocabulit is pretty similar to the type of vocabulary program it sounds like you're trying to create.


I do love the literary passages in the examples but what it doesn't have -- or doesn't have in the samples I saw -- is the visual bang that my daughter would like.


I personally like this program, though. Thank you!

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