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Does anyone use LLATL *and* FLL??


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Call me crazy...but I'm just wondering if the two would go nicely together since I've heard that both are somewhat light.


If I have to choose just one, it will probably be LLATL. I've looked at a lot of samples and I think this is just the kind of thing my dd would love.


But then again, I think.....what about both??



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Joining the crazy party! :lol:


I actually used both for my ds in grade 2. It worked out quite well, actually. They are both "light", but cover very different things. LLATL does a bit of everything, including spelling, reading, tactile projects, etc. We enjoyed the variety, but some topics were covered a little too lightly for us. FLL provided thorough coverage, repetition & review of grammar concepts, but in short lessons that were easy to add in. We also enjoyed the poem memorization.


So no, I don't think you're nuts. Sorry if that makes the decision more difficult.

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Joining the crazy party! :lol:


I actually used both for my ds in grade 2. It worked out quite well, actually. They are both "light", but cover very different things. LLATL does a bit of everything, including spelling, reading, tactile projects, etc. We enjoyed the variety, but some topics were covered a little too lightly for us. FLL provided thorough coverage, repetition & review of grammar concepts, but in short lessons that were easy to add in. We also enjoyed the poem memorization.


So no, I don't think you're nuts. Sorry if that makes the decision more difficult.


Thank you. :001_smile:


We are new to HS and I'm considering LLATL and wasn't sure if I would need to supplement or not. Is the spelling and grammar adequate enough or does it need to be supplemented? What is FLL?


I can't really answer about it needing to be supplemented or not. I used it a little years ago....right before they came out with the new editions. I can tell you that FLL is First Language Lessons.

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