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Do you think apps are an utter timewaster for your teens?

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I am having trouble letting go of our schedule for the summer. They do the things I require - Life of Fred, cursive, piano, Latin memory work - but there are HOURS left to fill that they keep grabbing their stupid gadgets they received for their bday! 13yo Kindle Fire and 11yo Ipod Touch. They really like Doodle Jump and Temple Run. They text eachother.


I so regret getting them these. They have NEVER asked to play a video game in their life, I never thought it would be a temptation. They say it is just because they just got them a few weeks ago and summer just started. They say they will make better choices. They say Doodlejump does require "some" logic. I think this is the beginning of terrible habits...

Edited by LNC
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I worry about excessive video games as well but I will share my personal story. We are going through a difficult time right now with my husband medically and I believe I found Temple Run as part of Gods purpose. I am a worrier and I have had moments where only prayer has helped me get through moment to moment and prayer is good but I also needed something that would take my mind somewhere else for a bit and Temple Run provides that. Playing requires thought but not too much and it is impossible to stress while playing it so for me it gives me a small slice in time to just veg out and not think. I think that can be good for anyone as long as it doesn't become a crutch or the only thing someone turns to for relaxation. It is a way to get out of your thoughts and then afterward I am more prepared to be productive and able to think better. I would imagine that normal every day teens have times when they need to turn off their thoughts as well and just be and as long as video games don't become their driving focus I would let them do it.

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