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Guest Kate-Elliott

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Guest Kate-Elliott

Hi! Wasn't sure where to post this :) New to the forum & wanted to introduce myself and ask a few questions.


My name is Kate & my husband & I just celebrated our 13th anniversary. We have three girl's, Kaylee is 10.5, Grace is 9, and Eva is 7. We currently live in Grand Blanc, Michigan, but my husband has been transferred to Kokomo, Indiana and we just put an offer on a house in Noblesville, In. (it was countered & we accepted the new price right away). This whole move has been God-lead, with everything falling into place. We really feel like this is where we should be.


I am a homeschool graduate myself - PS for K & 1, HS for 2nd, PS for 3-5th and then HS 6-12th. (my younger 4 siblings were homeschooled as well). I loved being HS and really feel I am a better person because of it. My girls have been in PS, Kaylee is going Ito 5th, Grace into 4th & Eva into 2nd. Our oldest really struggles with PS and their way of teaching. She is smart & artistic, but just learns differently. Grace does very well in PS as she has a brain similar to my husband. Eva does fairly well too, even with her speech delay. However, since knowing we were moving homechooling keeps coming to my mind. I feel like now is the perfect time to start. My husband on the other hand does not. Even though I was homeschooled (and turned out just fine), he worries the girls will miss out on things, etc. Will be praying that if this is what I am supposed to be God will lay it on his heart as well. Going to do a little trial this summer.


I have done a lot of research on the Charlotte Mason method and that really seems to be what I think would work best for our family. I'm sure we'll do some tweaking to make sure each girl is getting what they need. They all learn so differently. I want to find some co-ops and groups in our new area too.


Whoo - that was long! Sorry about that! Any advice, etc? Thanks so much!

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Hi and Welcome!


Is your dh willing to give it a trial run for a year and see how it goes? My dh was unwilling to consider homeschooling until we started having real problems with our older ds in public school, and I made dh deal directly with some of the issues. After that, dh was willing to give it a try for a year. We've just completed our 2nd year, and things have been going so well, we have no plans to stop for the foreseeable future. Maybe if your dh has a chance to see the benefits of homeschooling up close, then he will realize that your daughters won't be missing as much as they are gaining.

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