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Elemental science--ESA

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Earth science and astronomy--Im considering adding this for my son to do along side the science in HOD beyond little hearts. He really loves science and there just isn't enough in that particular guide. Couple of questions though: is it really just a glorified reading list/experiment schedule? I mean I could come up with that on my own! Also would it be too much science? My goal is to keep the love of learning...not kill it completely!

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Elemental Science isn't a spine without the "supplemental books" from the list she advises are needed to even start the curriculum. In the beginning this was a big frustration for me. This isn't advised on the website, so know that you will be required to get 5-7 additional books to make this curriculum work. It's really just a schedule and tons of "notebooking" style pages. The books you have to buy have your information, experiments, and more in them. Without the books, you have a bunch of schedules & notebooking pages. However I need the schedules laid out for me & all the prep work done. This curriculum does that all for you.


With all that...I'm going to say that we officially LOVE this curriculum!! It's so fun! The experiments are perfect, simple, & affordable! The books she requires you to buy are beautifully done & some of our favorite books! They are perfect for young children, simple wording, gorgeous bright pictures, & something I enjoy sharing with all my kids.


Believe the first intial investment of buying the curriculum isn't the end. The books you need to buy aren't cheap library available books. You need the books for the entire curriculum or at least 10 weeks, so checking them out won't suffice. I wasn't happy at first when I realized this. Because I got past buying the other books to make it happen...I don't regret it! We already have planned to do Elemental Science again for not only my grammar stage kids but also for my upcoming preschooler. I purchased all the required books and am very happy!


This curriculum if purchased ebook style is $16.50. Then the cost of printing. We did biology last year, this year we are planning earth science & astronomy. The extra books you need totaled $52, not including shipping. These were purchased some new & some used.


We are a sciencey family so I couldn't imagine cutting any of the curriculum for another. But I'm biased. We love this science. We do the 2-day schedule and it's perfect. We spend 30-45min each science day.

Edited by mamaofblessings
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ES is a detailed schedule, scheduling readings, notebooking, experiments, vocabulary, and quizzes. It is pretty much WTM science laid out for you. The ebooks for TM and student workbook is only 16.50 then add books. We did biology last year and are doing ESA this yr. my dc love it, and i love it bc it is so easy to use. The notebooking pages, experiment pages, projects and schedule are all very much worth it imho...

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The responses confirm what I thought about this program. I own a few of the necessary books already do I would just need to purchase the ebook guide/set and a couple additional sets.


My real curiosity is how similar this program seems to NOEO. We tried that one year and failed miserably! Could anyone compare these two programs? I do know that NOEO comes with pre-packaged kits which are pretty awesome.


I've also considered just choosing a few science experiment books and/or kits to add to what we already own. I truly don't need another reading schedule to stay on track and motivated! I've got tons of note booking pages templates that could easily be customized.

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ES is a detailed schedule, scheduling readings, notebooking, experiments, vocabulary, and quizzes. It is pretty much WTM science laid out for you. The ebooks for TM and student workbook is only 16.50 then add books. We did biology last year and are doing ESA this yr. my dc love it, and i love it bc it is so easy to use. The notebooking pages, experiment pages, projects and schedule are all very much worth it imho...


Yes very much WTM! I love this aspect about it. I found ES before even reading TWTM book at all. I'm so thankful we found ES now that we're wanting to stick as closely to WTM method.

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