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Where did you get a diagnosis?

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My DS9 was diagnosed with ADHD, dysgraphia and SPD a year ago after having an educational evaluation with a psychologist and then seeing a pediatric neurologist. The ped. neuro. stated after speaking with me that he sounded like he was on the spectrum, but after speaking with him for all of 2 minutes, she did not think so. I would like to continue to seek answers, because he has diagnosed himself with Aspergers after reading the book "All Cats Have Aspergers Syndrome." I want to have a paper trail in case he needs accommodations later in life. What is the next step? Would a neuropsychologist be a good place to go? There is one developmental pediatrician in town, but I don't know anything about him, and of course, he is not covered by our insurance.

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I took my DD to a neuropsychologist in Baton Rouge upon the referral of her pediatric neurologist. We are currently awaiting the test results to come in and yes I am anxious!!! I am glad I took her there. The Dr. Nemeth's attitude was "I will find out what is going on with your DD." You should check out her website to get an idea of what to look for in your area. Maybe even call her office to see if she recommends someone in your state. It took 5 visits for the complete eval. and she doesn't take insurance so we are out of pocket. I hope to hear something this week. She will go over the eval. with me line by line. I am so ready to find out what is going on so I can move forward.





Waiting for formal diagnosis

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What a small world!!! We live an hour west of you. Let me know if you have questions. I really like Dr. Nemeth and her staff. I'm just going crazy waiting for DD's eval. It takes 2-3 weeks after all the testing is done.




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