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Transcript generator

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As a spin off from Kinsa's thread, I'm looking for a transcript form which allows for an unlimited number of courses to be listed each year. Ideally, the form would allow courses to be listed by semester rather than year. To make it more challenging, I'm looking for a free one. :tongue_smilie: Some of the forms I've looked into are limited to 8-10 courses or for their free version, but allow for more in the version available for purchase.


Thank you!

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Nice, free, one-page format, up to seven courses per semester. You could maybe add more but you'd have to play with Excel formatting. If you don't have Excel, you could try using it with the free spreadsheet program from OpenOffice.


This Excel file was linked by Karen in CO in March 2010, but it's no longer on the Bethel College website. PM me if interested, and I will send it.


It does all the math for GPA, but you must input the end of semester grades. I don't know what else the transcript generators one pays for do, but this spreadsheet worked great for us.

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This might be bunny trail, but why do you want something other than Excel, or Open Office's spreadsheet or Google's free spreadsheet?


The nice thing about either of those options is you probably already have them (or in Google Doc's case, they are free) and they are totally within your control. You can shrink the print, make some things bold, or colors, or whatever.

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We have Excel, but I haven't used it in years. I used it strictly as a spreadsheet for business purposes. What I don't know how to do is how to have part of the transcript as a Word document - with the title of the transcript, student information, etc. and then the spreadsheet part for the courses and grades. It gets more complicated as I'd ideally like to have each grade, after 9th, split into semesters and have two columns of this information side by side. Does that make sense? I'm not really concerned with the automatic figuring of the GPA, although that would be handy, as I can just calculate it myself. As I'll need the transcript for only one student, I don't mind putting some work into this, but I do want it to look "professional" and I don't want to spend money if I can help it.


I'm not even that familiar with Word as I had used Word Perfect years ago, and mostly for correspondence - not something as involved as a transcript. The transcript I've used so far I just made myself and it looks great, but it's only for one year. :tongue_smilie: Fitting 3 or 4 years on there, and having it look decent, would be quite a challenge for me.


I'm looking at the free one available through MS Office. I'll have to play with it a bit to see if I can get it to do what I need. I want to show the courses by year/semester, but I also want to make one which lists them by subject as that may be easier to read. If there was one which allowed you to input the info and then it automatically formatted both, that would be awesome. I'll probably need to settle for one which allows for more than the usual number of courses. :tongue_smilie:


Thank you Janice for the offer, but I need more than 7 per semester, and I'd rather not have to deal with the formatting.

Edited by Teachin'Mine
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