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Hand, Foot and Mouth?

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I think my oldest has Hand, Foot and Mouth. :( She had oral surgery today to remove three teeth and needed anesthesia due to her autism. While they were putting in the IV, I noticed a weird hard blister on the palm of her hand. I made a mental note to check it out later. She has about four on her left hand, two on her right hand and three on each foot. She also has a rash on her elbow and knees. Additionally, she has an awful rash spreading above her lip (I had thought it was just dry and irritated earlier).


Two questions:

Is she at any risk for having any type of complication because of having surgery today? She is taking antibiotics (and lortab).


Any idea for what to put on the rash spot above her lip. It looks painful. Because it's so close to her mouth, I want to be careful.


Thanks :)


(She's non-verbal so I can't ask her if it's painful, etc).

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