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Help.... Need advice regarding a Latin course..


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The first edition of WTM recommended Latin Primer (Canon Press) so we used that with the DVDs. I have never seen or used Latina Christiana but it is the new recommendation from WTM.


I have no Latin experience but did take two years of high School French and two years of college French so the process of learning a language was at least familiar to me. It was not until midway through Latin Primer 2 that I began to worry that I would get out of my depth. DS enjoyed the program, but it is completely frill-free. This year a friend offered to tutor DS along with her own daughter and she used Cambridge. I thought DS would enjoy the storyline, pictures and cultural background. But all year long Latin was a chore. He seemed to enjoy his "class" but during the rest of the week complained that it was too hard and he preferrred Latin Primer. So next year we will return to Latin Primer with level 3.


I said all that to say, this is a solid program, I did not have any difficulty using it (keep in mind we watched every single video lesson and did Latin every day including chants and word list reviews.) I suspect if I had compared LP to LC, I might have chosen LC and perhaps DS would have done very well with it. But as it happens, he did very well with and seems to have preferred LP to some of the other middle level programs we looked at.


My plan right now is to use Latin Primer 3 next year (6th grade) and then try to let DS compare hard copies of Henle 1 with Latin Grammar (the next level of the Latin Primer series). But if either of them comes out with a DVD by that time, that's the one we'll do.


Good luck!

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